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Digital Marketing
Logo Design
log design branding

I have experience in creating digital artwork that is used as logos for company branding and favicons for websites.

Product Testing

I have worked as an invited product tester, promoter, and demonstrative marketer for various natural hair care startup companies.

Multimedia Advertising
medical school

I've used FB, YT, Twitter, Pinterest & other social media to market the works of authors, bloggers, and small printing presses.

Website Design and Editing
Web Design

As a webmaster, I helped maintain the NSF-funded site I was also web editor for UF's Graduate Student Council's website and Gator Times e-newspaper. 

website design wedding

I designed and managed the content of my personal wedding website. I used HTML to embed audiovisual files, and modify the overall visual aesthetic of the site.

professional website design

While working as an independent writing consultant, I designed a professional website to better service my writing and small business clients online. 

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